Grand Opening of Tyler Ranch Staging Area in Pleasanton

The Grand Opening marking the completion of the Tyler Ranch Staging Area, which provides new public access for pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle use on more than 18 miles of trails across 2,800 acres of protected open space on the Tyler Ranch and Robertson Ranch properties, part of Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, is scheduled for this Sunday December 3rd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

From the new Tyler Ranch Staging Area, visitors can now enjoy the Sunol Ridge Trail and Tyler Ranch Trail. The newly accessible parklands offer amazing panoramic views of the Bay Area, including the San Francisco Bay, Mount Diablo, Brushy Peak, Mission Peak, Mount Umunhum, and Mount Tamalpais.

The Tyler Ranch Staging Area and Trails project was made possible through funding from California State Parks and Measure WW.

The Grand Opening event includes a program with speakers, along with park staff to provide information.

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